50+ Best Musical Instruments that Start with S Letter

Adam Smith

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Musical Instruments that Start with S

Do you want to know what’re the best musical instruments that start with S letter?

S is a letter that starts many words, and it also happens to start some of the best musical instruments.

From the steel drums that are popular in Caribbean music to the saxophone that makes jazz so unique, these 50+ musical instruments all start with S. If you’re interested in learning more about any of them, just keep on reading!

Musical Instruments that Start with S

1. Sackbut

2. Sallameh

3. Sampler

4. Sansa

5. Sanshin

6. Santur

7. Sanxian

8. Sanza

9. Sarangi

10. Sarod

11. Sarrusophone

12. Saung

13. Saw sam sai

14. Saxophone

15. Saz

16. Saz Baglama

17. Scottish smallpipes

18. Se

19. Sea organ

20. Serpent

21. Setar (lute)

22. Seven-string guitar

23. Shakuhachi

24. Shamisen

25. Shawm

26. Sheng

27. Shishi odoshi

28. Shofar

29. Singing bowl

30. Siren

31. Sitar

32. Sitarla

33. Sk8 Guitar

34. Skoog

35. Slapstick

36. Sleigh bells

37. Slide guitar

38. Slide whistle

39. Slit drum

40. Slit gong

41. Snare drum

42. Sopranino clarinet

43. Sopranino mandolin

44. Sopranino saxophone

45. Soprano clarinet

46. Soprano sarrusophone

47. Soprano saxophone

48. Soprano ukulele

49. Soprillo (sopranissimo saxophone)

50. Sousaphone

51. Space Harp

52. Spoons

53. Steel guitar

54. Steelpan

55. Steelpan / Steel drum

56. Stroh violin

57. Subcontrabass saxophone

58. Suikinkutsu

59. Suling

60. Surma

61. Suroz

62. Swedish bagpipes

63. Swordblade

64. Synclavier

65. Synthesizer


We hope you can now get the list of the best musical instruments that start with S letter.

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